GCSE Science Quiz | 300 Questions And Answers | GCSE Chemistry| Paper 1

GCSE Science Quiz | 300 Questions And Answers | Chemistry| Paper 1

Welcome to our first GCSE Science Quiz. You will find 300 questions and answers split into 15 parts each with 20 questions. All the questions in this GCSE Science Quiz are from GCSE Chemistry Paper 1.

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Part 1: Atomic Structure and Properties

  1. What is the basic structure of an atom?

  2. What are the two main types of particles found in an atom's nucleus?

  3. Describe the motion of electrons around the nucleus.

  4. How do protons and neutrons compare in terms of mass?

  5. What is the charge of a proton?

  6. Why do we say neutrons are neutral?

  7. What is the relative mass of an electron compared to a proton?

  8. Explain the significance of the negative charge of an electron.

  9. What determines the size of an atom?

  10. How does the size of the nucleus compare to the size of the entire atom?

  11. If an atom has three protons, how many electrons does it have?

  12. How do we determine if an atom is neutral?

  13. Define ion and provide an example.

  14. If an atom gains an extra electron, what type of ion does it become?

  15. How does a positive ion form?

  16. Explain the significance of the atomic number in a nuclear symbol.

  17. What information does the mass number provide in a nuclear symbol?

  18. How do we find the number of neutrons in an atom?

  19. Is the number of neutrons always equal to the number of protons in an atom? Explain.

  20. How does the atomic number relate to the number of electrons in an atom?


  1. The basic structure of an atom consists of a central nucleus surrounded by electrons.

  2. The two main types of particles found in an atom's nucleus are protons and neutrons.

  3. Electrons orbit around the nucleus in shells or rings.

  4. Protons and neutrons have the same mass.

  5. Protons have a positive charge.

  6. Neutrons are neutral because they have no charge.

  7. Electrons have a much smaller mass compared to protons and neutrons.

  8. The negative charge of an electron is significant for determining its behaviour in chemical reactions.

  9. The size of an atom depends on which element it is.

  10. The nucleus is much smaller compared to the entire atom.

  11. If an atom has three protons, it also has three electrons.

  12. An atom is neutral if the number of protons equals the number of electrons.

  13. An ion is formed when an atom gains or loses electrons. Example: If an atom gains an extra electron, it becomes a negative ion.

  14. It becomes a negative ion.

  15. A positive ion forms when an atom loses electrons.

  16. The atomic number in a nuclear symbol indicates the number of protons in an atom.

  17. The mass number provides the total number of neutrons and protons in an atom.

  18. The number of neutrons in an atom is found by subtracting the atomic number from the mass number.

  19. No, the number of neutrons is not always equal to the number of protons. Some atoms have more neutrons than protons.

  20. The atomic number tells us how many electrons an atom has.

Part 2: Isotopes and Relative Atomic Mass

  1. What determines the identity of an element?

  2. Explain the significance of the atomic number in identifying elements.

  3. How do nuclear symbols help identify elements?

  4. What does the symbol "C" represent in nuclear symbols?

  5. Why can some symbols on the periodic table be confusing?

  6. Define isotopes and provide an example.

  7. Describe the differences between isotopes of the same element.

  8. How do isotopes of an element affect its chemical behavior?

  9. What is relative atomic mass?

  10. Using the example of copper, explain how isotopic abundance is calculated.

  11. How do you calculate the relative atomic mass of an element?

  12. What does the abundance of an isotope indicate?

  13. If copper has two stable isotopes, copper-63 and copper-65, with abundances of 69.2% and 30.8% respectively, what is the relative atomic mass of copper?

  14. Walk through the steps of calculating the relative atomic mass of copper.

  15. Why do we divide the sum of isotopic abundance times mass by the sum of abundances in the calculation of relative atomic mass?

  16. What does the term "one decimal place" mean in the context of reporting a calculated value?

  17. Express the relative atomic mass of copper to one decimal place.

  18. How does the relative atomic mass help us understand the average mass of an element's atoms?

  19. Why is it important to understand isotopic abundance and relative atomic mass in chemistry?

  20. Summarise the key differences between isotopes and relative atomic mass.


  1. The number of protons in the nucleus determines the identity of an element.

  2. The atomic number uniquely identifies each element by indicating the number of protons in its atoms.

  3. Nuclear symbols provide information about elements, including their atomic number and mass number.

  4. "C" represents the element carbon in nuclear symbols.

  5. Some symbols on the periodic table may be confusing because they are not immediately intuitive, such as "Na" for sodium or "Fe" for iron.

  6. Isotopes are different forms of the same element that have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. Example: Carbon-12 and Carbon-13.

  7. Isotopes of the same element differ in their neutron numbers while sharing the same number of protons.

  8. Isotopes of an element behave chemically similarly due to their identical electronic configurations.

  9. Relative atomic mass is the average mass of all the isotopes of an element, taking into account their relative abundances.

  10. Isotopic abundance is calculated by multiplying the percentage abundance of each isotope by its mass.

  11. Relative atomic mass is calculated by summing the products of isotopic abundances and masses, then dividing by the sum of abundances.

  12. Isotopic abundance indicates the percentage composition of each isotope in a sample of an element.

  13. The relative atomic mass of copper is calculated based on the abundances of its two stable isotopes, copper-63 and copper-65.

  14. The steps involve multiplying the abundance of each isotope by its mass, summing these products, and dividing by the sum of abundances.

  15. Dividing accounts for the different proportions of isotopes present in a sample, providing a weighted average.

  16. "One decimal place" means reporting a value to the nearest tenth.

  17. The relative atomic mass of copper is 63.6 when rounded to one decimal place.

  18. Relative atomic mass helps understand the average mass of a sample of an element's atoms, considering isotopic variation.

  19. Understanding isotopic abundance and relative atomic mass is crucial for accurately interpreting experimental data and predicting chemical behaviour.

  20. Isotopes are different forms of the same element, sharing the same number of protons but differing in neutron number. Relative atomic mass is the weighted average of an element's isotopes.

Part 3: Molecules, Mixtures, and Compounds

  1. Define molecule and provide an example.

  2. Can molecules contain only one element? Explain.

  3. What distinguishes a compound from a molecule?

  4. Provide an example of a compound.

  5. Why is helium not considered a molecule?

  6. Explain why oxygen, chlorine, and nitrogen molecules are not compounds.

  7. What key feature do compounds possess regarding the elements they contain?

  8. How do we write formulas for compounds?

  9. Break down the formula H2O for water.

  10. Explain the significance of subscripts in chemical formulas.

  11. Why is the formula for carbon dioxide CO2?

  12. Analyse the formula H2SO4 for sulfuric acid in terms of its constituent elements.

  13. What is the purpose of brackets in chemical formulas?

  14. Provide an example of a compound with brackets in its formula and explain its meaning.

  15. Why do some compounds contain millions or billions of atoms?

  16. Describe the characteristics of compounds with ionic bonds.

  17. What role does the formula play in non-molecular compounds?

  18. Explain how the formula for sodium chloride reflects its composition.

  19. Define mixture and provide an example.

  20. How can mixtures be separated, and why?


  1. A molecule is a group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. Example: Oxygen molecule (O2).

  2. No, molecules can contain multiple different elements. Example: Water (H2O) contains hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

  3. Compounds contain two or more different elements, while molecules may contain the same element. Compounds have elements in fixed proportions.

  4. An example of a compound is water (H2O).

  5. Helium is not considered a molecule because it exists as individual atoms, not bonded together.

  6. Oxygen, chlorine, and nitrogen molecules are not compounds because they contain only one type of element.

  7. Compounds have elements that are always found in the same proportions.

  8. Formulas for compounds are written using chemical symbols for each element and indicating the number of each atom present.

  9. The formula H2O for water signifies two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

  10. Subscripts in chemical formulas indicate the number of atoms of each element present.

  11. The formula for carbon dioxide is CO2 because it contains one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.

  12. The formula H2SO4 for sulfuric acid indicates two hydrogen atoms, one sulphur atom, and four oxygen atoms.

  13. Brackets in chemical formulas group together elements or polyatomic ions.

  14. Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) is an example of a compound with brackets.

  15. Some compounds contain millions or billions of atoms due to the nature of their bonding, such as ionic compounds.

  16. Compounds with ionic bonds form large structures and do not exist as discrete molecules.

  17. The formula for non-molecular compounds reflects the ratio of elements present.

  18. The formula for sodium chloride (NaCl) reflects the one-to-one ratio of sodium ions to chloride ions.

  19. A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that are not chemically bonded.

  20. Mixtures can be separated using physical methods like filtration, crystallisation, or distillation because the substances retain their individual properties.

Part 4: History of the Atom

  1. What is the concept of atomic theory?

  2. Who is credited with proposing the idea of atomic theory in ancient Greece?

  3. Describe John Dalton's atomic model.

  4. What did J.J. Thomson propose with his plum pudding model?

  5. What experimental evidence led J.J. Thomson to propose the existence of negatively charged particles in atoms?

  6. Describe Ernest Rutherford's gold foil experiment.

  7. What unexpected results did Rutherford observe in his gold foil experiment?

  8. How did Rutherford's experimental results challenge J.J. Thomson's plum pudding model?

  9. What did Rutherford's nuclear model propose about the structure of the atom?

  10. What flaw did Rutherford's nuclear model have regarding the stability of the atom?

  11. Who proposed a solution to the stability problem in Rutherford's model, and what was the solution?

  12. Explain Niels Bohr's model of the atom.

  13. How did Niels Bohr's model address the problem of electron stability in Rutherford's model?

  14. What important concept did Niels Bohr introduce regarding the motion of electrons?

  15. What subsequent experiments supported Niels Bohr's atomic model?

  16. Who discovered that the positive charge in the nucleus is made up of discrete particles called protons?

  17. What evidence did James Chadwick provide regarding particles in the nucleus?

  18. What are the neutral particles in the nucleus called today?

  19. Summarise the key contributions of Democritus, Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr, and Chadwick to our understanding of the atom.

  20. Reflecting on the history of the atom, how has our understanding evolved over time, and what are the current accepted models of the atom?


  1. Atomic theory proposes that everything is made up of tiny particles called atoms that cannot be further divided.

  2. Democritus, an ancient Greek philosopher, proposed atomic theory around 500 BC.

  3. John Dalton's atomic model described atoms as solid spheres and suggested that different types of spheres make up different elements.

  4. J.J. Thomson proposed the plum pudding model, suggesting that atoms are a general ball of positive charge with discrete electrons embedded in them.

  5. Thomson's experiments with cathode rays provided evidence for the existence of negatively charged particles (electrons) in atoms.

  6. Ernest Rutherford conducted the gold foil experiment.

  7. Rutherford observed that some alpha particles were deflected at large angles or even reflected back, contrary to his expectations.

  8. Rutherford's experimental results challenged Thomson's plum pudding model by suggesting that atoms have a small, dense nucleus with positive charge.

  9. Rutherford's nuclear model proposed that atoms have a dense, positively charged nucleus containing most of the atom's mass, with electrons orbiting around it.

  10. Rutherford's model lacked an explanation for the stability of the atom, as electrons orbiting the nucleus should collapse into it according to classical electromagnetic theory.

  11. Niels Bohr proposed that electrons orbit the nucleus in specific energy levels or shells, preventing them from collapsing into the nucleus.

  12. Niels Bohr's model suggested that electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed energy levels or shells, similar to how planets orbit the sun.

  13. Niels Bohr's model addressed the stability problem by proposing that electrons exist in discrete energy levels, preventing them from collapsing into the nucleus.

  14. Niels Bohr introduced the concept of quantised energy levels for electrons, meaning they can only occupy certain energy levels or orbits around the nucleus.

  15. Subsequent experiments, such as spectroscopy, supported Niels Bohr's atomic model by confirming the discrete energy levels of electrons.

  16. Ernest Rutherford discovered that the positive charge in the nucleus is made up of discrete particles called protons.

  17. James Chadwick provided evidence for neutral particles (neutrons) in the nucleus through experiments with radiation.

  18. The neutral particles in the nucleus are called neutrons.

  19. Democritus proposed the concept of indivisible atoms. Dalton described atoms as solid spheres. Thomson discovered electrons and proposed the plum pudding model. Rutherford conducted the gold foil experiment and proposed the nuclear model. Bohr introduced quantised energy levels for electrons. Chadwick discovered neutrons in the nucleus.

  20. Our understanding of the atom has evolved from Democritus's concept of indivisible atoms to Dalton's solid sphere model, Thomson's plum pudding model, Rutherford's nuclear model, Bohr's quantiSed energy levels, and Chadwick's discovery of neutrons. The current accepted model is the quantum mechanical model, which describes electrons as existing in probability clouds around the nucleus.

Part 5: Atoms: Structure, Isotopes & Electrons Shells

  1. Describe the structure of an atom.

  2. What particles are found in the nucleus of an atom, and what are their charges?

  3. Explain the relative masses of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

  4. What are the shells surrounding the nucleus called, and what particles are found in them?

  5. How do the properties of electrons compare to those of protons and neutrons?

  6. What information is provided by the atomic number in a nuclear symbol?

  7. Define isotopes and provide an example.

  8. Explain why isotopes of an element have different mass numbers.

  9. What is radioactive decay, and how does it relate to isotopes?

  10. How are electrons arranged in an atom?

  11. What happens when an electron gains enough energy to move to a higher energy level?

  12. Describe the process of excitation and de-excitation of electrons.

  13. What is ionisation, and how does it occur in atoms?

  14. How does ionisation affect the charge of an atom?

  15. Define ion and explain how it differs from an atom.

  16. What is meant by ionising radiation?

  17. How does ionising radiation interact with atoms?

  18. Provide an example of ionising radiation.

  19. Why is ionising radiation significant in various contexts?

  20. Reflect on the importance of understanding the structure and behaviour of atoms in chemistry and other scientific disciplines.


  1. An atom consists of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons in shells.

  2. The nucleus contains protons (positively charged) and neutrons (neutral).

  3. Protons and neutrons both have a relative mass of one, while electrons are much smaller and have a negligible mass.

  4. The shells surrounding the nucleus are called electron shells, and they contain electrons.

  5. Electrons are much smaller than protons and neutrons and carry a negative charge.

  6. The atomic number in a nuclear symbol indicates the number of protons in an atom.

  7. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.

  8. Isotopes of an element have different mass numbers because they have different numbers of neutrons.

  9. Radioactive decay is the process by which unstable isotopes decay into other elements by emitting radiation.

  10. Electrons are arranged in energy levels or shells around the nucleus.

  11. When an electron gains enough energy, it can move to a higher energy level or shell.

  12. Excitation occurs when an electron absorbs energy and moves to a higher energy level. De-excitation occurs when the electron returns to a lower energy level, emitting energy as electromagnetic radiation.

  13. ionisation is the process by which an electron is removed from an atom, resulting in the formation of ions.

  14. ionisation changes the charge of an atom, turning it into a positive ion if an electron is removed.

  15. An ion is an atom or molecule that has gained or lost one or more electrons, resulting in a net electrical charge.

  16. ionising radiation refers to radiation that is capable of removing electrons from atoms, leading to ionisation.

  17. ionising radiation interacts with atoms by transferring energy to electrons, causing them to be ejected from the atom.

  18. Examples of ionising radiation include alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays.

  19. ionising radiation is significant in various contexts, including medicine (radiation therapy), industry (radiography), and environmental monitoring (radioactive decay).

  20. Understanding the structure and behaviour of atoms is crucial for explaining chemical reactions, understanding the properties of materials, and advancing various scientific disciplines, including chemistry, physics, and biology.

Part 6: Atomic Structure

  1. What is the approximate radius of an atom?

  2. Compare the radius of the nucleus to that of the atom.

  3. Where is almost all of the mass of an atom located?

  4. What are the relative masses of protons, neutrons, and electrons?

  5. Describe the relative mass of a proton.

  6. Describe the relative mass of a neutron.

  7. Why is the mass of an electron considered negligible?

  8. How is atomic structure represented on the periodic table?

  9. What does the atomic number represent in a periodic table entry?

  10. Using lithium as an example, explain how to determine the atomic number from the periodic table.

  11. What does the mass number represent in a periodic table entry?

  12. Using lithium as an example, explain how to determine the mass number from the periodic table.

  13. Define isotopes.

  14. Provide an example of an isotope of carbon and explain its composition.

  15. How does the number of neutrons differ in isotopes of the same element?

  16. Describe the composition of carbon-13.

  17. Describe the composition of carbon-14.

  18. How does carbon-14 differ from carbon-12 in terms of neutron number?

  19. Why are isotopes important in chemistry and other scientific fields?

  20. Reflect on the significance of understanding atomic structure in various scientific disciplines.


  1. The approximate radius of an atom is about 0.1 nanometres.

  2. The radius of the nucleus is less than one ten-thousandth of the radius of the atom.

  3. Almost all of the mass of an atom is contained within the nucleus.

  4. The relative masses of protons and neutrons are both 1, while the mass of an electron is considered negligible.

  5. A proton has a relative mass of 1.

  6. A neutron also has a relative mass of 1.

  7. The mass of an electron is considered negligible because it is much smaller than that of a proton or neutron.

  8. Atomic structure is represented on the periodic table through atomic numbers and mass numbers.

  9. The atomic number represents the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.

  10. The atomic number for lithium can be determined by finding the number 3, which indicates it has 3 protons.

  11. The mass number represents the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.

  12. The mass number for lithium can be determined by finding the number 7, which indicates it has 7 protons and neutrons combined.

  13. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.

  14. An example of a carbon isotope is carbon-12, which has 6 protons and 6 neutrons.

  15. The number of neutrons differs in isotopes of the same element.

  16. Carbon-13 has 6 protons and 7 neutrons.

  17. Carbon-14 has 6 protons and 8 neutrons.

  18. Carbon-14 has two more neutrons than carbon-12.

  19. Isotopes are important in chemistry and other scientific fields for understanding atomic structure, radiometric dating, and various applications in industry and medicine.

  20. Understanding atomic structure is crucial for explaining chemical reactions, developing materials, and advancing scientific knowledge in fields such as chemistry, physics, and biology.

Part 7: Relative Formula Mass and Percentage Mass

  1. What does the term "relative formula mass" refer to?

  2. How do you calculate the relative formula mass of a compound?

  3. Provide an example of calculating the relative formula mass of magnesium chloride (MgCl2).

  4. Explain the steps involved in finding the relative formula mass of sulfuric acid (H2SO4).

  5. What is the relative atomic mass (Ar) of an element?

  6. How is the Ar of an element different from its mass number?

  7. Describe the concept of percentage mass in a compound.

  8. How do you calculate the percentage mass of a specific element in a compound?

  9. Calculate the percentage mass of sulfur in sulfuric acid (H2SO4).

  10. Explain the steps involved in calculating the percentage mass of sulfur in sulfuric acid.

  11. What is the molecular formula of sulfuric acid?

  12. Calculate the percentage mass of oxygen in calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2).

  13. Describe the steps to find the percentage mass of oxygen in calcium hydroxide.

  14. Why is it necessary to find the relative atomic mass of each element in a compound?

  15. Provide an example of finding the relative atomic mass of an element in a compound.

  16. How does the molecular formula help in calculating the relative formula mass?

  17. What does the number after the element symbol represent in a molecular formula?

  18. Explain how to interpret the molecular formula of magnesium chloride (MgCl2).

  19. How does the formula of a compound help in calculating its percentage mass?

  20. Reflect on the importance of understanding relative formula mass and percentage mass in chemistry calculations.


  1. The term "relative formula mass" refers to the sum of the relative atomic masses of all the atoms in a compound's molecular formula.

  2. To calculate the relative formula mass of a compound, add together the relative atomic masses of all the atoms present in its molecular formula.

  3. Example: The relative formula mass of magnesium chloride (MgCl2) is 95.

  4. To find the relative formula mass of sulfuric acid (H2SO4), calculate 2(1) + 1(32) + 4(16) = 98.

  5. The relative atomic mass (Ar) of an element is the average mass of all the isotopes of that element.

  6. The Ar of an element represents the average mass of all its isotopes, while the mass number indicates the total number of protons and neutrons in a specific isotope.

  7. Percentage mass in a compound refers to the proportion of the compound's total mass contributed by a specific element.

  8. To calculate the percentage mass of a specific element in a compound, multiply the relative atomic mass of the element by the number of atoms of that element in the compound, divide by the compound's relative formula mass, and then multiply by 100.

  9. The percentage mass of sulfur in sulfuric acid is 32.7%.

  10. Steps: (32 1) / 98 100 = 32.7%

  11. The molecular formula of sulfuric acid is H2SO4.

  12. The percentage mass of oxygen in calcium hydroxide is 43.2%.

  13. Steps: (16 2) / 74 100 = 43.2%

  14. It is necessary to find the relative atomic mass of each element in a compound to determine its overall mass and composition accurately.

  15. Example: Finding the Ar of oxygen (O) in sulfuric acid (H2SO4): Ar(O) = 16.

  16. The molecular formula helps in calculating the relative formula mass by indicating the types and quantities of atoms present in the compound.

  17. The number after the element symbol represents the number of atoms of that element in the compound's molecular formula.

  18. The molecular formula MgCl2 indicates that there are two chlorine atoms for every magnesium atom.

  19. The formula of a compound provides information about the types and quantities of atoms present, which is essential for calculating percentage mass.

  20. Understanding relative formula mass and percentage mass is crucial for chemical calculations, such as analysing the composition of substances.

Part 8: Electron Arrangement and Ion Formation

  1. Why is the arrangement of electrons in atoms crucial in chemistry?

  2. Describe the electron arrangement in sodium (Na) with an atomic number of 11.

  3. How are electrons arranged in shells around the nucleus of an atom?

  4. Explain the concept of the "full outer shell" in atoms.

  5. Why are atoms with incomplete outer shells considered unstable?

  6. What is the typical behaviour of most single atoms with incomplete outer shells?

  7. Identify the exceptions to atoms with incomplete outer shells, and why are they exceptions?

  8. What characterises the noble gases in terms of their electron arrangement and reactivity?

  9. In an exam, what might you be asked regarding electron arrangement?

  10. Provide an example of determining the electron structure of an element, like argon (Ar).

  11. How can you represent electron structure using numbers instead of diagrams?

  12. When drawing electron diagrams, how can electrons be represented?

  13. Determine the electron arrangement of calcium (Ca), which has an atomic number of 20.

  14. Why are calcium atoms considered unstable despite having 20 electrons?

  15. Describe the process of ion formation in calcium to achieve stability.

  16. What is the charge of a calcium ion after it loses two electrons?

  17. How is an ion symbolised, and where is the overall charge indicated?

  18. Determine the electron structure of fluorine (F), which has an atomic number of 9.

  19. Why does fluorine need to gain one more electron to become stable?

  20. How would you represent the fluoride ion's electron structure after gaining an electron?


  1. The arrangement of electrons in atoms is crucial in chemistry because it determines the atom's stability and reactivity.

  2. Sodium (Na) has an electron arrangement of 2, 8, 1, with two electrons in the first shell, eight in the second, and one in the third.

  3. Electrons are arranged in shells around the nucleus of an atom, with each shell capable of holding a specific number of electrons.

  4. A "full outer shell" refers to the outermost shell of electrons being completely filled, which contributes to the stability of an atom.

  5. Atoms with incomplete outer shells are considered unstable because they tend to react with other atoms to gain or lose electrons and achieve stability.

  6. Most single atoms with incomplete outer shells react to form molecules or compounds to achieve stability.

  7. Noble gases are exceptions to atoms with incomplete outer shells; they have completely full outer shells and are therefore stable and non-reactive.

  8. Noble gases have completely full outer shells, making them chemically inert and non-reactive.

  9. In an exam, you might be asked to determine the electron arrangement of specific elements from the periodic table.

  10. Example: The electron structure of argon (Ar) is 2, 8, 8, representing two electrons in the first shell, eight in the second, and eight in the third.

  11. Electron structure can be represented using numbers by indicating the number of electrons in each shell separated by commas.

  12. Electrons can be represented in diagrams as crosses or dots.

  13. Calcium (Ca) has an electron arrangement of 2, 8, 8, 2, with two electrons in the first shell, eight in the second, eight in the third, and two in the fourth.

  14. Calcium atoms are considered unstable because they do not have a full outer shell; they lack six electrons in their fourth shell.

  15. In calcium ion formation, calcium loses two electrons to achieve a stable electron arrangement.

  16. The charge of a calcium ion after losing two electrons is 2+.

  17. An ion is symbolised by placing the chemical symbol within square brackets and indicating the overall charge in the top right corner.

  18. The electron structure of fluorine (F) is 2, 7, with two electrons in the first shell and seven in the second.

  19. Fluorine needs to gain one more electron to achieve a full outer shell and become stable.

  20. The electron structure of the fluoride ion after gaining an electron is 2, 8.


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